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Invitation  to all current

Cantabrians Rugby Club Members

10 August 2018

Given that he On behalf of your committee, we would like to invite you and your partner to be hosted at the game of 3 halves being played at AMI Stadium on Friday 10 August 2018. We have secured an area at the Addington events centre alongside the Supporters Club.


We have been struggling to find suitable opportunities to bring our members together so we hope that you will get in behind this event support this initiative and make it an enjoyable time to catch up with old friends and colleagues.


Given that the Canterbury team will be running under the Cantabrians name it would be great to get some support for them from our membership.


The function will include:

  • Our reserved area and bar will open from 5 pm with complimentary drinks

  • Finger food served ahead of the game.

  • Ticket for you and partner to the game

  • the reserved area and bar service will be available for 1-hour post the game and then it will revert to a cash bar.


If you would tile to join the fun can you please RSVP by 27 July 2018 to our email address with the number wishing to attend. Additional details will be provided ahead of the event.






16 TO 19 JULY 2018

There is an open invitation to all Cantabrian members to come out and see what actually goes on at this truly unique camp. Yet again there has been significant interest in the camp and course director, Lee Golding is currently working through to select between 40-50 kids that will get an experience of a life time. 


An interesting and varied programme is planned with  NZ Rugby / World Rugby Educators and CRFU staff coaches conducting training and two matches will be played during the four days.

All player and coaching staff must bring photo id with them and carry it always -this is requirement of Burnham military camp.

Participants need to note that their fitness needs to be such that they are able to take part in the two matches planned during the school.

The graduation ceremony for the players followed by afternoon tea and refreshments will be on Thursday 19th of July.


Burnham Camp Duty Complex inside the main gate of the Burnham Camp on Aylesbury Road, Burnham (200 metres over the main south railway line) 



Monday 16th July 2018. The boys will need to report to the Burnham Camp Duty Complex inside the main gate between 8.00am to 8.30am



Matches will be held at 2.00pm on Tuesday 17th July and Thursday 19th July. Family is encouraged to attend the games and the after match final function on the Thursday.


Thursday 19th July 2018. Thursday afternoon starts with a game at 2.00pm followed by a light snackwith the final at 3.45pm. Departure from 4.15pm.


live in



18 AUGUST 2018

Our under 20 programme will kick off this year on the 18th of August 2018 against the Otago Sassanachs. While it is not ideal coming up against a traditionally tough opponent first up, we are hopeful that we can retain The Tiny Hill Trophy.


Our programe is slightly shorter this year with jsut a 4 match programme including curtain raisers to the Town/Country game (Craw Shield) and a Heartland game in Ashburton.



The team will be coached again by Gramme Turner and Paul Burton. the full itinerary is:


18/8/2018                 v                  Sassarachs (Burnside Park)

25/8/2018                 v                  North Canterbury Stags (North Canterbury)

2/9/2018                   v                  Canterbury Maori (Kaiapoi)

8/9/2018                   v                  Mid Canterbury Development (Ashburton)




18 AUGUST 2018

Our under 20 programme will kick off this year on the 18th of August 2018 against the Otago Sassanachs. While it is not ideal coming up against a traditionally tough opponent first up, we are hopeful that we can retain The Tiny Hill Trophy.


Our programe is slightly shorter this year with jsut a 4 match programme including curtain raisers to the Town/Country game (Craw Shield) and a Heartland game in Ashburton.



The team will be coached again by Gramme Turner and Paul Burton. the full itinerary is:


18/8/2018                 v                  Sassarachs (Burnside Park)

25/8/2018                 v                  North Canterbury Stags (North Canterbury)

2/9/2018                   v                  Canterbury Maori (Kaiapoi)

8/9/2018                   v                  Mid Canterbury Development (Ashbu


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