Cantabrian Rugby
Football Club

The historically challenging game against the Otago Sassenachs lived up to expectations with a tight and fiercely contested game at Burnside Park on Saturday afternoon. While the Cantabrians came out on top at the end 26-22 it certainly wasn't a foregone conclusion right up until the final whistle. In what was an even and well contested game that show cased some very good young talent from both teams a good crowd appreciated the spirit and energy on display. We need to remember that this was the first outing for our players so this made the victory perhaps even more memorable.
Cantabrians opened the scoring but then let the Sassenachs in shortly after and with the conversation they led for the first part of the game. The game was one where the Cantabrians would score and then almost immediately the Sassenachs would hit back. The second half was mostly played in the Cantabrians half defending a persistent and aggressive Otago side. Full credit to our team on their defense repelling each wave of attach and somehow managing to keep them at bay. There was plenty of relief at the final whistle from the players and the spectators.
It was special to have both Tiny Hill and Fred Daniels (Sassenachs Life Member) present at the end to present the Tiny Hill Trophy and have it locked away for another year. We would also like to thank the Burnside Rugby Club for their hospitality on the day on what was a busy day for them.
Points were scored by:
Liam Robinson
John McKeefry
Judah Gawith
Riley Cormack
Riley Cormack (3)
Next Game
Our next game is against the North Canterbury Stags and kicks off at 2:30pm at Woodend Rugby Club. Look forward to seeing you out there.

16 TO 19 JULY 2018
There is an open invitation to all Cantabrian members to come out and see what actually goes on at this truly unique camp. Yet again there has been significant interest in the camp and course director, Lee Golding is currently working through to select between 40-50 kids that will get an experience of a life time.
An interesting and varied programme is planned with NZ Rugby / World Rugby Educators and CRFU staff coaches conducting training and two matches will be played during the four days.
All player and coaching staff must bring photo id with them and carry it always -this is requirement of Burnham military camp.
Participants need to note that their fitness needs to be such that they are able to take part in the two matches planned during the school.
The graduation ceremony for the players followed by afternoon tea and refreshments will be on Thursday 19th of July.

Burnham Camp Duty Complex inside the main gate of the Burnham Camp on Aylesbury Road, Burnham (200 metres over the main south railway line)
Monday 16th July 2018. The boys will need to report to the Burnham Camp Duty Complex inside the main gate between 8.00am to 8.30am
Matches will be held at 2.00pm on Tuesday 17th July and Thursday 19th July. Parents, relatives and friends are encouraged to attend the games and the after match final function on the Thursday.
Thursday 19th July 2018. Thursday afternoon starts with a game at 2.00pm followed by a light snack and the final address at 3.45pm. Boys are able to depart at approximately 4.15pm.
Subscription notices have all been issued for this year. If you haven't paid already it would be appreciated if you could do this as soon as possible.
Your subs go directly into supporting all of our youth programmes.